New JMJC Affiliate
Scranton, PA - Congratulations to our newest Jason Morris Judo Center (JMJC) affiliate, JMJC Scranton! On June 17, 2023 we announced our official partnership with JMJC Scranton owners [...]
Scranton, PA - Congratulations to our newest Jason Morris Judo Center (JMJC) affiliate, JMJC Scranton! On June 17, 2023 we announced our official partnership with JMJC Scranton owners [...]
Spokane, WA - Athletes from the Jason Morris Judo Center (JMJC) in Glenville, NY performed extremely well at the US Sr. Nationals held in The Podium [...]
Wishing success to Jason Morris Judo Center athletes, Ari Berliner (66kg), Kell Berliner (81kg), Hannah Martin (63kg) & Nicole Stout (78kg) as they are about [...]
Athletes from the Jason Morris Judo Center were busy competing all over the world April 1, 2023. 2x Olympian and Burnt Hills Graduate, Nick Delpopolo [...]
Jason Morris was recently interviewed by Martial Arts of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Use this link to read the interview!
Check out this cool tidbit. I was emailing with pro football's. Mike Florio and we connected with the hopes of getting football players to do [...]
I am pleased to announce that I will be in the Carolina's January 28-31 for a series of seminars and private lessons. As an added [...]
Wayne, NJ - Burnt Hills Middle School Seventh Graders, Randi & Dani Morris (12) from the Jason Morris Judo Center in Glenville were double medalists at [...]
30 Years ago today in Jason Morris Judo Center history, August 9, 1992, Jason Morris' father (Bernie) died of a heart attack on his way [...]
30 Years ago today in Jason Morris Judo Center history, July 30, 1992 Jason Morris won a silver medal in the 25th Olympiad for the [...]